Red Wine Glass

Hey everyone and welcome to another art blog.

Today’s I am gonna draw a glass of red wine! I’ve seen tons of people on social media draw different types of a red wine glass, and I wanted to try the same thing with Copic markers!

After a simple sketch it was time for the colors.

For all the red tones i used shock pink, (RV10) | Peach, (R32) | Strong red, (R46) | Cardinal. (R59)

I started of course, from the lightes tones and worked my way over to the darker tones.

I also used a cool Grey 7 for the really dark spots, combined with a black pencil. For extra details i used a white gelly roll pen. 

For the glass itself I used Cool grey markers. Specifically cool Grey 1, 3, 5, and 7. Towards the end of the drawing I went over the entire drawing with my black pencil to refine some of my shading and adding a little more depth, and definition... Then this drawing was complete.

Art By MicoH

IG: Art by MH (@art__by_mh)

My name is Mico. Im 24 years old, and from Denmark. I've been drawing for about 10 years, and I've been using Copic Markers for 5 years now. Im completely self taught.

(Copic Marker Artist and Contributor for